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We appreciate your interest in the Axumite Heritage Foundation!

901 S Highland St
Arlington, VA, 22204
United States

(703) 685-0510


Axumite Studies and Museum


Once the construction of the new library is completed, the Axumite Heritage Foundation plans to turn the 'Inda Nebri'd into a museum and welcome center. The museum will be focused on the ethnography of Axum and the Tigray region. It will fill a neglected role by preserving local traditions of creativity and exhibit contemporary material culture and artisan works. 

AHF will also create The Institute of Axumite Studies (IAS), which will nurture upcoming local scholars with a vested interest in learning about Axum and its historical significance. Visiting scholars with ongoing research in Axum will be invited to share their findings and interact with the community through public education programming.

Besides its Special Collection materials and documents on Axum, the IAS will also house an inter-disciplinary academic program in history, archaeology, religion and museum studies. Through this, the IAS will encourage the interest of young local students and guide their attention to future areas of study. Ultimately, the IAS aims to inspire individual and community stewardship of this ancient city’s past legacy and its dynamic future.


The Axumite Heritage Foundation actively seeks donations of manuscripts, documents, and rare publications to expand its collection. The Special Collection has already acquired several private contributions from notable scholars of Ethiopian history, including the late Dejazmach Dr. Zewde Gabre-Sellassie, and professor Gebru Tareke. The late professor Merid Wolde Aregay was instrumental in consulting on early acquisitions and laying the foundation for our special collection.  Please contact Ezana Teferra at for more information.